Paul Eekhoff

For the past 25 years, Paul Eekhoff has worked as a photographer specializing in conceptual still-life and corporate portraiture for some of Canada's largest companies. Morpho signifies his commitment to the photographic medium as he explores the photographic print and entomological subject as artistic endeavour and object of discovery and fascination. Paul allocates his time between commissioned assignments, instructing at Humber College's Creative Photography program, and producing new work for MORPHO.

Click for a peek into the Artist’s Studio

Click for a peek into the Artist’s Studio

currently available framed

click images for pricing and purchase

505-216 Paul Eekhoff, Taurhina Bertolonii, 23”x20”

505-214 Paul Eekhoff, Taurhina Bertoloni, 17”x21”

505-210 Paul Eekhoff, Phymateus Saxosus, 41”x41”

505-215 Paul Eekhoff, Tosena Speldidu, 23”x20”

505-212 Paul Eekhoff, Rhomborhina Flammea, 17”x21”

Paul Eekhoff, Goliathus Goliatus, 17”x21”


currently available unframed

click images for pricing and purchase

505-218 Paul Eekhoff, Sangra Longicollis, 20.5”x17”

505-217 Paul Eekhoff, Phyllium Giganteum, 20.5”x17”

Paul Eekhoff, "Chrysochroa Buqueti”

Paul Eekhoff, "Chrysochroa Buqueti”

Paul Eekhoff, "Eupholus Magnificus”

Paul Eekhoff, "Eupholus Magnificus”

Paul Eekhoff, "Hermaris Diffinis”

Paul Eekhoff, "Hermaris Diffinis”

Paul Eekhoff, "Oberthuri Decorata”

Paul Eekhoff, "Oberthuri Decorata”

505-219 Paul Eekhoff, Odontolabis Stevensi, 20.5”x17”

505-220 Paul Eekhoff, Wreck Beach & February Clouds, Dusk, 17”x27”

505-222 Paul Eekhoff, Purple, Red and Pink, 17”x34”

505-221 Paul Eekhoff, Eels Nets, St. Lawrence River, 17”x34”

Paul Eekhoff, "Chrysochroa Corbetti”

Paul Eekhoff, "Chrysochroa Corbetti”

Paul Eekhoff, "Eumorphas Pandoras - black”

Paul Eekhoff, "Eumorphas Pandoras - black”

Paul Eekhoff, "Goliathus Goliatus”

Paul Eekhoff, "Goliathus Goliatus”

Paul Eekhoff, "Oncomeris Flavicornis - Wings Closed”

Paul Eekhoff, "Oncomeris Flavicornis - Wings Closed”

Paul Eekhoff, "Stagomantis Carolina”

Paul Eekhoff, "Stagomantis Carolina”

Paul Eekhoff, "Taurhina Bertolonii”

Paul Eekhoff, "Taurhina Bertolonii”

Paul Eekhoff, "Stephanorrhina Guttata”

Paul Eekhoff, "Stephanorrhina Guttata”

Paul Eekhoff, "Tropidacris Dux”

Paul Eekhoff, "Tropidacris Dux”

Paul Eekhoff, “Trognoptera Brookiana”

Paul Eekhoff, “Trognoptera Brookiana”

Paul Eekhoff, Megaloxantha Bicolor Assamenis

Paul EekhoffMegaloxantha Bicolor Assamenis

Paul Eekhoff, Chrysochroa Atlas

Paul Eekhoff, Chrysochroa Atlas

Paul Eekhoff, Chrysochroa Saundersi (Single)

Paul EekhoffChrysochroa Saundersi (Single)

Paul Eekhoff, "Tosena Splendida”

Paul Eekhoff, "Tosena Splendida”

Paul Eekhoff, Eurytides Thyastes

Paul EekhoffEurytides Thyastes

Paul Eekhoff, Actias Maenas

Paul EekhoffActias Maenas

Paul Eekhoff, Chrysochroa Saundersi (Double)

Paul EekhoffChrysochroa Saundersi (Double)

Paul Eekhoff, Torynorrhina Flammea (Double)

Paul EekhoffTorynorrhina Flammea (Double)


Amy Dryer


Antony Ellis