Nancy De Boni
Nancy De Boni graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design in 1972 where she earned her AOCAD with honours. Her work has been exhibited in galleries throughout Ontario since her graduation. Nancy currently resides in Toronto, Ontario and has been a member of the Ontario Society of Artists since 1998.
past work
170-185 | Nancy De Boni, Static, oil on canvas, 48"x60”. SOLD
170-182 | Nancy De Boni, Inside Out, oil on canvas, 48"x36". SOLD
170-175 | Nancy De Boni, Gorge, oil on canvas, 40"x44". SOLD
170-173 | Nancy De Boni, Return to Sender, oil on canvas, 36"x48". SOLD
170-181 | Nancy De Boni, Knock Twice, oil on canvas, 44"x52". SOLD